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Iberic Meeting of Optics Students (IMOS) 2022 - CfP extended

on 13-06-2022


Optica Student Chapter at University of Aveiro (Aveiro), Portugal, Physics League Chapter (Valladolid), Spain, and IOPTICA - Institute of Optics Optica Student Chapter (Madrid), Spain, are organizing the 1st Iberic Meeting of Optics Students (IMOS) 2022, which will be held at University of Aveiro on 13th-15th of June 2022.

The program of IMOS 2022 covers 5 major topics of optics and photonics: Biophotonics & Visual Optics, Fiber Optics & Optical Communications, Integrated Optics, Quantum Computing, and Communication, and Photonics & Space Engineering.

Based on what was previously referred to as Iberian IONS, the conference will provide a platform for students across Europe and the world to network and share their scientific endeavors. In the last Iberian IONS, there was an average of over 80 participants, with keynote talks for each topic given by internationally renowned researchers. This year the event will also count on the Director of Optica Europe, Yann Amouroux.

The abstract submission was extended, runs until May 1st.

You can find the abstract submission guidelines and other details on the conference website:

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