Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Performance Models of OFDMA Systems

on 14-12-2011


IT Porto na FEUP, sala I-105 - 13:00H

A central design decision in the architecture of upcoming LTE cellular networks is to exploit multi-user diversity by means of (dynamic) OFDMA resource allocation. Over the last decade such systems have been extensively investigated primarily regarding low-complex algorithms to be employed for instantaneous resource allocation. While we have been successfull in reducing the algorithmic complexity of such algorithms significantly, we still lack good performance models for OFDMA systems. Such models are required for admission control for example and should be able to predict system performance only depending on the average channel-state information between the base stations and multiple receivers. In this talk we introduce a suitable performance model based on order-statistics and study its characteristics. In particular, we extend it to OFDMA systems with dynamic power allocation as well as to interference-limited scenarios with several surprising features. Finally, we comment on the use of such models for dynamic interference coordination in upcoming LTE networks.
CV: James Gross studied computer engineering at TU Berlin and UC San Diego. He received his master degree in 2002 and his PhD from TU Berlin in 2006. In 2007 he was a Post-Doc with the Telecommunication Networks Group of TU Berlin. Since 2008 he is an assistant professor at RWTH Aachen University, leading the 'Mobile Network Performance Group' at the UMIC research centre of RWTH Aachen. He published about 50 papers in international, peer-reviewed conferences and journals and serves as program committee member for a few recent conferences. His research interests are in the area of protocols, algorithms and models of mobile networks with a particular focus on self-organization and robustness.

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