Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

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The recent focus has been on the development of low cost, low profile focusing antenna systems to produce high gain, wide-angle beam steering, based on metamaterials and 3D printed technologies. This work comes on the continuation of several years of contributions on highly shaped dielectric lens concepts for beam shape control.

Applications include mobile broadband communications, ultrawideband radiometry, low-cost mass-market multi-gigabit local-area networks, 5G backhaul, and Ka-band satellite-on-the-move ground terminal antennas.


J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima , Antena compacta com orientação mecânica do feixe de radiação, para seguimento de terminais móveis em comunicações sem fios , Patente de Invenção Nacional PT 104108 , June 2008 ("Compact antenna with mechanical beam steering for tracking of wireless communications mobile terminals")

Book Chapters
A. Boriskin, R. Sauleau, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Integrated Lens Antennas, Chapter in, Aperture Antennas for Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Applications, Artem Boriskin, Ronann Sauleau, Springer International Publishing, New York, 2018 | Full text (PDF 2 MBs)

J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima , Dielectric Lens Antennas , Chapter in , Handbook of Antenna Technologies , Zhi Ning Chen , Springer , Berlin 2016 | Full text (PDF 3 MBs) |

C. A. Fernandes , Shaped-Beam Antennas , Chapter in , Handbook of Antennas in Wireless Communications , Lal Godara , CRC Press , New York 2002 | Full text (PDF 2 MBs) |

Journal Publications
A. F. Vaquero, M. R. Pino, M. Arrebola, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Evaluation of a Dielectric-Only Transmitarray for Generating Multi-Focusing Near-Field Spots Using a Cluster of Feeds in the Ka-Band, Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 422, pp. 1 - 15, January, 2021,
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A. Barka, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, H. CHREIM, Applying Massively Parallel Computing to Multi-Scale Ka Dual-Band Transmit-Array Analysis using FETI-2LM, IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, Vol. 5, No. -, pp. 235 - 244, November, 2020,
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A. F. Vaquero, M. R. Pino, M. Arrebola, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Bessel beam generation using dielectric planar lenses at millimeter frequencies, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. -, pp. 216185 - 216196, November, 2020,
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P. Naseri, J.R. Costa, S.A. Matos, C. A. Fernandes, S. Hum, Equivalent Circuit Modeling to Design a Dual-Band Dual Linear-to-Circular Polarizer Surface, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 68, No. 7, pp. 5730 - 5735, July, 2020,
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S.A. Matos, J. Teixeira, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, C. Del-Río, A. Arboleya, J. Garnero, 3D-Printed transmit-array antenna for broadband backhaul 5G links at V band, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 977 - 981, April, 2020,
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P. Naseri, S.A. Matos, E.B. Lima, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, Efficient Evaluation of Gradient Transmit-Arrays through an Equivalent Dispersive Dielectric Description, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 67, No. 9, pp. 5997 - 6007, September, 2019,
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E.B. Lima, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Multiple-beam Focal-plane Dual-band Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna with Reduced Beam-degradation, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. -, No. -, pp. 1 - 1, April, 2019, 
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P. Naseri, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, Dual-Band Dual Linear to Circular Polarization Converter in Transmission Mode-Application to K/Ka-Band Satellite Communications, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 66, No. 12, pp. 7128 - 7137, October, 2018, 
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Catarina C. Cruz, C. A. Fernandes, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, Synthesis of Shaped Beam Radiation Patterns at mm-Waves Using Transmit-arrays, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 0, No. 0, pp. 1 - 1, May, 2018, 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 914 KBs) | BibTex
P. Naseri, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Phase-Delay Versus Phase-Rotation Cells for Circular Polarization Transmit Arrays—Application to Satellite Ka-Band Beam Steering, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 1236 - 1247, March, 2018, 
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A. Bisognin, N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Y. Alvarez, A. Arboleya, F. Las-Heras, N. Dolatsha, B. Grave, M. Sawaby, A. Arbabian, Ball Grid Array Module With Integrated Shaped Lens for 5G Backhaul/Fronthaul Communications in F-Band, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65, No. 12, pp. 6380 - 6394, December, 2017, 
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A. Bisognin, A. Arboleya, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Three-dimensional printed ABS plastic peanut-lens with integrated ball grid array module for high-data-rate communications in F-band, IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 11, No. 14, pp. 2021 - 2026, November, 2017, 
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S.A. Matos, E.B. Lima, J. S. Silva, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, JM Mosig, High Gain Dual-Band Beam Steering Transmit array for Satcom Terminals at Ka-Band, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65, No. 7, pp. 3528 - 3539, July, 2017, 
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J. S. Silva, M. G.-V. Garcia-Vigueras, T. D. Debogovic, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, JM Mosig, Stereolithography-Based Antennas for Satellite Communications in Ka-Band, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 105, No. 4, pp. 655 - 667, April, 2017, 
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Catarina C. Cruz, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, S.A. Matos, Focal-Plane Multibeam Dual-Band Dielectric Lens for Ka-Band, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 16, No. 0, pp. 432 - 436, March, 2017, 
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E.B. Lima, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, Wideband and High Selectivity Dual-Band Filter for Ka-Band Satellite Antennas, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1627 - 1630, January, 2017, 
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A. Bisognin , A. C. Cihangir , C. Luxey , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , F. Gianesello , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima , C. J. Panagamuwa , W. G. Whittow , Ball Grid Array-Module with Integrated Shaped Lens for WiGig Applications in Eyewear Devices , IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 64 , No. 3 , pp. 872 - 882 , March , 2016 
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E.B. Lima S.A. Matos J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Circular Polarization Wide-angle Beam Steering at Ka-band by In-plane Translation of a Plate Lens Antenna , IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 63 , No. 12 , pp. 1 - 13 , December , 2015
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A. Bisognin , D. Titz , F. Ferrero , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , F. Gianesello , D. Gloria , D. Lugara , E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , C. Luxey , Non-collimating MmW Polyethylene lens mitigating dual-source offset from a Tx/Rx WiGig module ,IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. - , No. - , pp. 1 - 1 , December , 2015 
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J. S. Silva E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , JM Mosig , Tx-Rx lens-based satellite-on-the-move Ka-band antenna ,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , Vol. 14 , No. - , pp. 1408 - 1411 , March , 2015 
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C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa E.B. Lima M. G. Silveirinha , Review of 20 years of Research on Microwave and Millimeter-wave Lenses at “Instituto de Telecomunicações” , IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine , Vol. 57 , No. 1 , pp. 250 - 268 , February , 2015 
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M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , A Graphical Aid for the Complex Permittivity Measurement at Microwave and Millimeter Wavelengths , IEEE Microwave Wireless and Components Letters , Vol. 24 , No. 6 , pp. 421 - 429 , June , 2014 
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D. Liu, J. Hirokawa, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, R. Sauleau, Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Antennas and Propagation at mm- and Sub mm-Waves, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 1502 - 1507, April, 2013, 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 979 KBs) | BibTex
M. G. Silveirinha C. R. Medeiros C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , Resolving subwavelength objects with a crossed wire mesh superlens operated in backscattering mode , New Journal of Physics , Vol. 13 , No. 053004 , pp. 1 - 14 , May , 2011 
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C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima J.R. Costa , Broadband Integrated Lens for Illuminating Reflector Antenna with Constant Aperture Efficiency , IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 52 , No. 12 , pp. 3805 - 3813 , December , 2010 
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M. G. Silveirinha C. R. Medeiros C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , Experimental verification of broadband superlensing using a metamaterial with an extreme index of refraction , Physical Review B , Vol. 81 , No. 033101 , pp. 1 - 4 , January , 2010 
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J.R. Costa E.B. Lima C. A. Fernandes , Compact Beam-Steerable Lens Antenna for 60GHz Wireless Communications , IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 57 , No. 10 pt. 1 , pp. 2926 - 2933 , October , 2009 
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M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , Superlens made of a metamaterial with extreme effective parameters ,Physical Review B , Vol. 78 , No. 195121 , pp. 1 - 7 , November , 2008 
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J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , Evaluation of a double-shell integrated scanning lens antenna , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , Vol. 7 , No. , pp. 781 - 784 , October , 2008 
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J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , G. Godi , R. Sauleau , L. Le Coq Le Coq , H. Legay , Compact Ka-band Lens Antennas for LEO Satellites , IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 56 , No. 6 , pp. 1251 - 1268 , May , 2008 
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J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Broadband Slot Feed for Integrated Lens Antennas , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , Vol. 6 , No. , pp. 396 - 400 , September , 2007 
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C. A. Fernandes , L. Anunciada , Constant Flux Illumination of Square Cells for Mm-Wave Wireless Communications , IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 49 , No. 11 , pp. 2137 - 2141 , November , 2001 
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C. A. Fernandes , Shaped Dielectric Lenses for Wireless Millimeter-Wave Communications , IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine , Vol. 41 , No. 5 , pp. 141 - 150 , October , 1999 
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C. A. Fernandes , V. Brankovic , S. Zimmermman , M. Filipe , L. Anunciada , Dielectric Lens Antenna for Wireless Broadband Communications , Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 10 , No. 1 , pp. 19 - 32 , June , 1999 
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C. A. Fernandes J. Fernandes , Performance of Lens Antennas in Wireless Indoor Millimeter-Wave Applications , IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. , Vol. 47 , No. 6, Part 1 , pp. 732 - 737 , June , 1999 
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D. Lemaire , C. A. Fernandes , P. Sobieski , A. Barbosa , A method to overcome the limitations of G.O. in the design of axis-symmetrical lenses , Intrnl. Journal of Infrared and Millimetrewaves , Vol. 17 , No. 8 , pp. 1377 - 1390 , August 1996 | BibTex
Conference publications
S.A. Matos, C. A. Fernandes, J.R. Costa, TEST CASE 4: Dual band Transmit-array, WORKSHOP EM-ISAE 2018,Toulouse, France, Vol., pp. -, November, 2018, 
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A. Barka, G. Dehan, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, FETI Domain Decomposition Method for the simulation of High Gain Ka-Band Transmit arrays (single and dual band), ESA-ESTEC 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on Multibeam and Reconfigurable Antennas for Space Applications, Noordwijk, Netherlands, Vol., pp. -, October, 2018, 
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S.A. Matos, P. Naseri, J. Teixeira, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, New Concept For Multibeam Antennas Based On Two Cascaded Ka-Band Transmit-Arrays, ESA-ESTEC 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on Multibeam and Reconfigurable Antennas for Space Applications, Noordwijk, Netherlands, Vol., pp. -, October, 2018, 
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Catarina C. Cruz, C. A. Fernandes, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, Phase-only Shaped Beam Transmit-Array, IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Boston, United States, Vol., pp. -, July, 2018, 
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S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, E.B. Lima, P. Naseri, C. A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, Wide-angle mechanical scanning Transmit-arrays for satellite Ka-band user terminals, IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Boston, United States, Vol. -, pp. - - -, July, 2018, 
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Álvaro F. Vaquero Vaquero, Manuel Arrebola Arrebola, Marcos R. Pino Pino, S.A. Matos, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes,Low-cost Dielectric Flat Lens for Near-Field Focusing, IEEE International Symp. on Antennas and Propagation - IEEE AP-S/USNC-URSI, Boston, United States, Vol. -, pp. - - -, July, 2018, 
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S.A. Matos, E.B. Lima, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes, N. Fonseca, Experimental evaluation of a high gain dual-band beam steerable transmit-array, European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, London, United Kingdom, Vol. -, pp. - - -, April, 2018, 
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A. Barka, J.R. Costa, S.A. Matos, C. A. Fernandes, Assessment of FETI DDM methodologies for the simulation of High Gain Ka-Band Transmit arrays, International Symp. on Antennas and Propagation - ISAP, Phuket, Thailand, Vol., pp. 1 - 2, November, 2017, 
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N. Nachabe, C. Luxey, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, J.R. Costa, S.A. Matos, C. A. Fernandes, Low-Cost 60 GHz 3D Printed Lens Fed by a Planar Source with WR15 Transition integrated on FR4 PCB, IEEE International Symp. on Antennas and Propagation - IEEE AP-S/USNC-URSI, San Diego, United States, Vol., pp. 1 - 2, July, 2017, 
| Abstract | BibTex
E. Lacombe, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, H. Gulan, T. Zwick, C. Luxey, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, J.R. Costa, C. A. Fernandes,Low-Cost 3D-Printed 240 GHz Plastic Lens fed by Integrated Antenna in Organic Substrate Targeting Sub-THz High Data Rate Wireless Links, IEEE International Symp. on Antennas and Propagation - IEEE AP-S/USNC-URSI, San Diego, United States, Vol., pp. 1 - 2, July, 2017, 
| Abstract | BibTex
A. Barka, J.R. Costa, S.A. Matos, C. A. Fernandes, V. Gobin, Assessment of FETI DDM methodologies for the simulation of High Gain Ka-Band Transmit arrays, IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., San Diego, United States, Vol., pp. 1 - 1, July, 2017, 
| Abstract | BibTex
S.A. Matos J.R. Costa E.B. Lima C. A. Fernandes , N. Fonseca , Prototype of a compact mechanically steered Ka-band antenna for satellite on-the-move , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Fajardo , Puerto Rico , Vol. - , pp. - - - , June , 2016 
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S.A. Matos E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , N. Fonseca , Design of a 40 dBi Planar Bifocal Lens for Mechanical Beam Steering At Ka-Band , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Davos , Switzerland , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2016 
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A. Bisognin , C. Luxey , F. Gianesello , D. Titz , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , D. Gloria , Digital Manufacturing & Rapid Prototyping: Enabling Innovative & Cost Effective Antenna Solution from RF up to mmW , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Davos , Switzerland , Vol. , pp. - , April , 2016 
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J. S. Silva , M. G.-V. Garcia-Vigueras , M. E.-M. Esquius-Morote , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , JM Mosig , A Planar Feed for SOTM Ka-band Lens Antennas , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Vancouver , Canada , Vol. - , pp. - - - , July , 2015 
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J. S. Silva , S. Capdevila-Cascante , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , JM Mosig , Performance of a 3D-printed horn antenna working at Ka-band for satellite communications , URSI Atlantic Radio Scinece Conference - URSI AT-RASC , Gran Canaria (Las Palmas) , Spain , Vol. - , pp. - - - , May 2015 | BibTex
J. S. Silva , M. G.-V. Garcia-Vigueras , JM Mosig , M. E.-M. Esquius-Morote , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Lens-based Ka-band antenna system using planar feed , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2015 
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P. Robustillo , J. S. Silva J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , JM Mosig , Comments on the phase center computation for Ka-band planar lens-antenna feeders , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2015 
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A. Bisognin , A. C. Cihangir , C. Luxey , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , F. Gianesello , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima , et. al. , Design and Measurement of Integrated Antenna with a Plastic Lens for 60 GHz Wi-Gig Applications , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2015 
| Abstract | BibTex
A. Bisognin , F. Ferrero , D. Titz , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , J.R. Costa E.B. Lima C. A. Fernandes , C. Luxey , et. al. , Performance Evaluation of a 120 GHz 3D-Printed Plastic Elliptical Lens Antenna-System , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2015 
| Abstract | BibTex
E.B. Lima , S. Matos , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Evaluation of the Phase Discretization Effect in Transmitarrays Formed by Sub-Wavelength Patches , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2015 
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A. Bisognin , D. Titz , F. Ferrero , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , J.R. Costa E.B. Lima C. A. Fernandes , C. Luxey , et. al. , Conception d’Antennes in-Package en Bandes Millimétriques pour des Applications WiGig et Backhaul , Journées Nationales Microondes - JNM , Bordeaux , France , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2015 
| Abstract | BibTex
A. Bisognin , A. C. Cihangir , C. Luxey , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , F. Gianesello , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima , et. al. , Module Organique Antennaire avec Lentille Plastique Intégrée pour Lunettes Connecttées WiGig , Journées Nationales Microondes - JNM , Bordeaux , France , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2015 
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O. Yurduseven , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , A. Neto , Frequency Independent Patterns From Double Shell Lenses Fed by Leaky Wave Feeders , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , April , 2015 
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G. Plaza , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , G. León , S. Loredo , F. Las-Heras , A Multibeam Antenna for Imaging Based on Planar Lenses , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. , pp. - , April , 2015 
| Abstract | BibTex
A. Bisognin , D. Titz , C. Luxey , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , F. Ferrero , D. Lugara , J.R. Costa E.B. Lima C. A. Fernandes , A 120 GHz 3D-Printed Plastic Elliptical Lens Antenna with an IPD Patch Antenna Source , IEEE International Conf. on Ultra-Wideband - ICUWB , Paris , France , Vol. , pp. - , September , 2014 
| Abstract | BibTex
Catarina C. Cruz S.A. Matos E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Focal-plane multi-beam dual-band dielectric lens for Ka-band , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Memphis , United States , Vol. , pp. -- - -- , July 2014 | Full text (PDF 81 KBs) | BibTex
A. Bisognin , D. Titz , C. Luxey , G. Jacquemod , R. Pilard , F. Gianesello , D. Gloria , D. Lugara , J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Comparizon of 3D printed Plastic and micromachined Teflon Lenses for WiGig modules , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Memphis , United States , Vol. , pp. - , July , 2014 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 341 KBs) | BibTex
E.B. Lima S.A. Matos J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Ka-band Beam Steering Antenna Using In-plane Lens Translation , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Memphis , United States , Vol. - , pp. - - - , July 2014 | Full text (PDF 89 KBs) | BibTex
A. Bisognin , D. Titz , F. Ferrero , R. Pilard , C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , C. Corre , P. Calascibetta , J. Riviere , A. Poulain , 3D Printed Plastic 60 GHz Lens: Enabling Innovative Millimeter Wave Antenna Solution and System , IEEE International Microwave Theory and Tech. Symp. , Tampa Bay , United States , Vol. , pp. 1 - 3 , June , 2014 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 434 KBs) | BibTex
J. S. Silva E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , JM Mosig , Design and Analysis of a Ka-Band Coaxial-to-Quad-Ridged Circular Waveguide Transition , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Hague , Netherlands , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2014 
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E.B. Lima S.A. Matos J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , FSS Design for Dual-band and Low Profile Fabry Pérot Antenna at Ka-band , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Hague , Netherlands , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2014 
| Abstract | BibTex
Catarina C. Cruz S.A. Matos E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Evaluation of a compressed hyperhemispherical lens as a focal plane feed for Ka satellite applications , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Orlando , United States , Vol. - , pp. -- - -- , July 2013 | Full text (PDF 140 KBs) | BibTex
J. S. Silva E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Ground Terminal Antenna for Ka-Band Satellite Communications ,European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Gothenburg , Sweden , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2013 
| Abstract | BibTex
J.R. Costa E.B. Lima C. A. Fernandes , Optimized Design of a Double-Shell Integrated Lens Antenna , ESA Worshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Application , Espoo , Finland , Vol. , pp. - , May , 2011 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 541 KBs) | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima J.R. Costa , Tapered Waveguide Feed for Integrated Dielectric Lens Antenna Performance Evaluation , EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , April , 2011 
| Abstract | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima J.R. Costa , Double-shell Modified Extended Hemispherical Lens Feed for Reflectors in Scanning , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Rome , Italy , Vol. - , pp. 3850 - 3854 , April , 2011 
| Abstract | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima J.R. Costa , Broadband Integrated Dielectric Lens Antenna with Frequency , International Conf. on Appl. Electromagnetics and Communications - ICECOM , Dubovnik , Croatia , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2010 
| Abstract | BibTex
E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Broadband Reflector Fed by Integrated Lens Antenna with Frequency Constant Directivity , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Toronto , Canada , Vol. - , pp. - - - , July , 2010 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 511 KBs) | BibTex
J.R. Costa E.B. Lima C. A. Fernandes , Antenna Phase Center Determination from Amplitude Measurements using a Focusing Lens , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Toronto , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2010 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 287 KBs) | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes RCM Martins , T. Radil , P.M. Ramos E.B. Lima C. R. Medeiros J.R. Costa , Low-cost mechanically steered millimeter-wave lens antenna system for indoor LANs , International Workshop on Antenna Technology - IWAT , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. NA , pp. NA - NA , March , 2010 
| Abstract | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , Permittivity Measurement and Anisotropy Evaluation of Dielectric Materials at Millimeter-waves , IMEKO World Congress , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , September , 2009 
| Abstract | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha E.B. Lima , ILASH - Integrated Dielectric Lenses for mm- and sub-mm Wave Imaging , Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica - ENAA , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. - , pp. - - - , July , 2009 
| Abstract | BibTex
E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Optimization of Mechanically Beam-steerable Lens Antenna Profile for 60GHz , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2009 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 732 KBs) | BibTex
E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Design of Double Material Integrated Scanning Lens Antennas , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Charleston , United States , Vol. , pp. - , June , 2009 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 401 KBs) | BibTex
E.B. Lima J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Mechanical Beam-Steerable Elliptical Dome Lens , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Berlin , Germany , Vol. , pp. 1814 - 1818 , March , 2009 
| Abstract | BibTex
E.B. Lima J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , ILASH - Software Tool for the Design of Integrated Lens Antennas ,IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , San Diego , United States , Vol. - , pp. - - - , July , 2008 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 351 KBs) | BibTex
J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima M. G. Silveirinha , M. Vorst , Design of an Integrated Lens Feed for an Imaging Reflector System using the ILASH Software Tool , ESA Antenna Workshop on Antennas for Earth Observation, Science, Telecommunication and Navigation Space Missions , Noordwijk , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 378 - 381 , May , 2008 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 238 KBs) | BibTex
J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Integrated Imaging Lens Antenna with Broadband Feeds , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Edinburgh , United Kingdom , Vol. , pp. - , November 2007 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , M. Vorst , Design of a Shaped Double-Shell Lens Feed for a Quasi-Optical Reflector System ,IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Honolulu , United States , Vol. , pp. - , June 2007 | BibTex
J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , G. Godi , R. Sauleau , H. Legay , Benchmark of Lens Antennas for Ka-Band Global Earth Observation from LEO Satellites , European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Nice , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November 2006 | BibTex
J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , ILASH – Software Tool for the Development of Shaped Double-Shell Axial-Symmetric Dielectric Lens Antennas , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Washington , United States , Vol. URSI , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2005 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 31 KBs) | BibTex
J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , Double-Shell Axial-Symmetric Imaging Lens Antenna for Space Applications ,IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Washington , United States , Vol. 1B , pp. 438 - 441 , July , 2005 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 883 KBs) | BibTex
J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , Design and Analysis of Double-Shell Axial-Symmetric Integrated Lens Antennas for Space Applications , ESA Antenna Workshop on Space Antenna Systems and Technologies , Noordwijk , Netherlands , Vol. 2 , pp. 865 - 872 , June , 2005 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 561 KBs) | BibTex
R. Sauleau , C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , Review of Lens Antenna Design and Technologies for Mm-wave Shaped-beam Applications , International Symp. on Antenna Technology and Appl Electromagnetics - ANTEM , Saint-Malo , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 414 - 416 , June 2005 | BibTex
J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes E.B. Lima , J. Tiago , ILASH – Design and Analysis tool for Double-Shell Axial-Symmetric Integrated Lens Antennas , Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Tomar , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. - , April , 2005
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 451 KBs) | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa M. G. Silveirinha , Dielectric Lens Antennas for Millimetrewave Communications , Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Tomar , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. - , April 2005 | BibTex
B. Cheganças , V. Carneiro , C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , Design of Bifocal Integrated Lens Antennas for Space Applications ,Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Tomar , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. - , April 2005 | BibTex
G. Perdigão , H. Carmo , C. A. Fernandes J.R. Costa , Ultra-High Bandwidth Antenna for Space Applications in Millimeter Waves , Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Tomar , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. - , April 2005 | BibTex
J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Analysis of Small Integrated Lens Antennas Using Multiple Point Source Physical Optics Discretization of the Feed Aperture Field , Journees Internationales de Nice sur les Antennes - JINA , Nice , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 466 - 467 , November 2004 | BibTex
J.R. Costa C. A. Fernandes , Calculation of the near-Field from Axial Symmetric Apertures Using Gaussian-like Discretization of the Aperture Field , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Monterey, CA , United States , Vol. 2 , pp. 1343 - 1246 , June , 2004 
| Abstract | Full text (PDF 202 KBs) | BibTex
M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , Design Tolerances of Artificial Material Shaped-beam Lenses , Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional - EIEC , Aracena , Spain , Vol. , pp. - , December 2001 | BibTex
M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , Cylindrical Non-Homogeneous Anisotropic Lenses using Artificial Media , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Boston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 312 - 315 , July 2001 | BibTex
M. G. Silveirinha C. A. Fernandes , Shaped Double-Shell Dielectric Lenses for Wireless Millimeter Wave Communications ,IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Salt Lake City, Utah , United States , Vol. 3 , pp. 1674 - 1677 , July 2000 | BibTex
M. Rodrigo , C. A. Fernandes , Shaped Dielectric Lens fed by a Printed Element for WLANS at 40 GHz , Millenium Conf. on Antennas and Propagation , Davos , Switzerland , Vol. 1 , pp. - , April 2000 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes , Lens antennas for mobile broadband systems , COST 260 - Workshop on Smart Antennas Design and Technology , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. - , November 1999 | BibTex
L. Anunciada , C. A. Fernandes , Location of Shaped Beam Antennas for Uniform Coverage in Indoor Millimetrewave Communications , IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , London , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1505 - 1509 , September 1999 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes , Design of Shaped Lenses for non-Symmetric Cells in MBS , IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Orlando, FL , United States , Vol. 3 , pp. 2440 - 2443 , July 1999 | BibTex
J. Fernandes , C. A. Fernandes , Impact of Shaped Lenses on MBS Systems , IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Boston , United States , Vol. , pp. 744 - 748 , September 1998 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes , J. Fernandes , Performance of Lens Antennas in Wireless Indoor Millimeter Wave Applications , Radio and Wireless Conf. - RAWCON , Boulder , United States , Vol. , pp. 225 - 228 , August 1998 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes , M. Filipe , L. Anunciada , Lens Antennas for the SAMBA mobile terminal , RACE Mobile Telecommunications Summit , Aalborg , Denmark , Vol. 1 , pp. - , October 1997 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes , P. O. Francês , A. Barbosa , Shaped coverage of elongated cells at millimetre waves using a dielectric lens antenna , European Microwave Conf. - EMC , Bolonha , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 66 - 70 , September 1995 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes , P. O. Francês , A. Barbosa , Dielectric Lens Antenna for a Mobile Application at Millimetrewaves , ESA Workshop on Lens Antennas , Noordwijk , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. - , July 1994 | BibTex
C. A. Fernandes , P. O. Francês , A. Barbosa , A Dielectric Lens Antenna for the MBS Demonstrator , RACE Mobile Workshop , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 17 - 19 , May 1994 | BibTex
Main Projects

mmSATcom, Millimeter Wave Antennas for Next-Generation Satellite Mass Services, Reference: PTDC/EEI-TEL/0805/2012, Start: July 2013; End: Dec 2015, Contractor: FCT (National Science Foundation); Partners: Instituto de Telecomunicações; Role: Quality control, and team member. 

KaLens, Compact Lens-Based Mechanically Steered Ka-Band user Terminal AntennaReference: AO/1-7493/13/NL/AD, Start: Nov 2013; End: Oct 2018; Contractor: European Space Agency - ESTEC, Partners: Instituto de Telecomunicações; Role: Quality control, and team member. 
NEWFOCUS, New Fromtiers im mm/sub-mm waves integrated dielectric focusing systemsReference: ESF/PESC, Contractor: European Science Foundation, Start: June 2010; End: June 2015, Partners: IETR - Univ Rennes I, Technische Universität Graz, Instituto de Telecomunicações / IST, Queen’s University Belfast, EPFL Lausanne - LEMA, Aalto University Finland, Universität Erlangen Nurernberg, University of Zagreb, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Siena, Technical University of Delft, National Academy of Science of Ukraine; Role: Member of the Steering Committee.
Wi-mm, Millimetre-wave wireless indoor link with automatic tracking antenna, Reference: P428, Start: Oct 2008; End: Oct 2010, Partners: Instituto de Telecomunicações; Role: team member. 
ILASH, Integrated Lens Antenna Shaping, Reference:  ESA-17514, Start: Sep 2003; End: Sep 2007; Contractor: European Space Agency - ESTEC, Partners: Instituto de Telecomunicações; Role: Project leader. 
ILENA, Integration of Lenses and Planar AntennasReference: POSI/34860/CPS/2000, Start: Oct 2000; End: Sep 2004, Contractor: FCT (National Science Foundation); Partners: Instituto de Telecomunicações; Role: Project leader.