Professor Thomas Brazil is Head of the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College Dublin. Previous appointments include posts in industry with Plessey Ltd. at the Alan Clarke Research Centre (Caswell) and in academia with the University of Birmingham (UK). He is a Fellow of IEEE, a member of the Royal Academy of Ireland and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Ireland. He has served IEEE in various capacities, including as MTT-S Worldwide Distinguished Lecturer in High Frequency Computer Aided Design Applied to Wireless Systems and is currently a member of the Administrative Committee of IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. Professor Brazil has extensive experience of EU funded research projects and has worked in several areas of science policy both nationally and on behalf of the European Union. Head of the RF and microwave research group at UCD his personal research is in the fields of non-linear modelling and device characterization techniques with particular emphasis on applications to microwave transistor devices such as the GaAs FET, HEMPT, BJT, and HBT. He also has interests in convolution-based CAD simulation techniques, power amplifier design and microwave subsystem design. |